Lawn Fertilizer Calculator

Use this fertilizer calculator to determine how much fertilizer is needed to cover your lawn according to recommended rates.  The information needed is lawn area in square feet, the recommended rate of Nitrogen (lbs N/1000 sq ft), and the fertilizer analysis (or grade) of the fertilizer product that you want to use. To determine how much fertilizer to apply to …

How to Prevent Dog Urine from Killing Your Grass

Dog urine killing grass and leaving ugly brown spots is a common problem for pet owners who want a healthy, uniform, aesthetically pleasing lawn.  Dogs and beautiful lawns can coexist by taking a few simple steps to prevent or repair urine spots. How Dog Urine Kills Grass A brown patch caused by dog urine killing …

Sunday Smart Lawn Plan

Sunday Smart Lawn Plan Have you heard about the Sunday Smart Lawn Plan? It’s simple, do-it-yourself natural lawn care that’s customized to your soil, climate, and lawn and then delivered to you, right when you need it, in easy to apply pouches. How it works Simply sign up, submit a soil sample using the included soil test kit, …