Lawn Care Tips

Helpful do-it-yourself lawn care tips from lawn professionals, landscapers and homeowners who enjoy their lawns and gardens…and care about the environment. Mowing, watering, fertilizing, weed control and more.

Xzoysia grass growing range

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Organic Lawn Care Tips, Growing Natural Lawns

  • 10 organic lawn care tips revolving around sound maintenance practices. We call it “preventive health care for lawns”. It’s the simplest way to grow a lush green natural lawn without chemicals.
    Organic Weed Control Tips
    Organic Weed Control Tips

Lawn Maintenance Tips

  • Mowing lawn stripes: Have you ever wondered how the pros make the patterns on baseball fields or golf courses? Stripes are made by laying down the grass leaf blades in the direction you are mowing. Lawn striping kits can be made from boat trailer rollers, PVC pipe filled with sand, rubber flaps or chains – anything that can be mounted to the rear of a lawn mower cutting deck.  Click here to learn how to stripe your lawn like a pro.
  • Mow like a pro! Keep your lawn mower blades sharp. Sharp blades cut cleanly and give your lawn a manicured look. An easy maintenance task – How to keep your lawn mower blades sharp.
  • Work safe and smart!  Lawn Mower Safety is all about common sense and paying attention to what you are doing.  Identify the hazards and then take steps to protect yourself from harm.
  • It’s important to have your lawn fertilizer spreader adjusted to apply products at the recommended rate. Here’s how to do it in a few simple steps: How to Calibrate Your Drop Spreader.
  • The purpose of a soil test is to get recommendations on the amount of fertilizer, lime, or other amendments to apply to your lawn or landscape beds.  Proper sampling is the key to getting accurate soil test results while improper sampling will return misleading results.  How to take soil samples to ensure accurate soil test results.

Want to know what your lawn needs and when to apply it?

Let the turfgrass experts on Sunday take care of the technical stuff.

Have you heard about the Sunday Smart Lawn Plan? It’s simple, do-it-yourself natural lawn care that’s customized to your soil, climate, and lawn.  Delivered to you right when you need it. You apply the nutrient packets with the included hose-end sprayer…simple, professional results!

Sunday’s plant and soil nutrient products are made from food waste, seaweed, and molasses.  The natural additives stimulate plant growth and activate soil life.

This is Super Environmentally Friendly lawn care!

Insects, Pests and Problems

Lawn Care Tips - Weed Control
Lawn Care Tips: Safe and Responsible Weed Control

Landscaping Tips

  • How to install drip irrigation in landscape beds using a simple kit that converts an automatic pop-up sprinkler system into a drip system.
  • Creative Landscaping Ideas – Do-it-yourself landscape design tips. Simple & fun ways to get your creative juices flowing and inspiration for your design.

Seasonal Tips

Expert Interviews

Seasonal Lawn Care Tip

Recent and Popular Tips

Our most recent and popular tips are listed in this first section.

Planting Grass: For Best Results Select Quality Grass Seed  
Whether planting a new lawn or overseeding an existing yard, it is very important to carefully choose the grass seed you will use. There are large differences …

Edgeless Turfgrass Growth Regulator for Professionals – Save Time and Increase Profits 
Edgeless is a turfgrass plant growth regulator (PGR). The purpose of this product is to decrease the amount of string trimming or edging of lawns. …

Weed and Grass Killers: Roundup vs Generic Glyphosate 
Glyphosate is a non-selective chemical herbicide that is a very useful for weed control around homes and in landscape beds. Non-selective means it will …