Lawn Soil Test: Low Phosphorus Levels - What to do


I just got my soil test back. It shows a low phosphorus level of 15.00 ppm (optimum 20 to 40 ppm) and a low potassium level of 37.00 ppm (optimum 150 to 250 ppm.) What is the best way to raise these levels?


Johnny – To help us better answer your question, please provide the following information (just add a comment to your submission):

What type of grass are you growing? In NE Alabama you are most likely growing a warm-season grass – bermudagrass, zoysia or centipedegrass. Is your lawn established or are you planting a new lawn? What is your soil type – Sandy, clay, loam? What is the pH? Soil type and pH affect nutrient availability.

What you are referring to is the Nutrient Availability Index – and fertilizer rate recommendations for phosphorus and potassium are based on this index. Your soil test results should have a fertilizer recommendation – usually in pounds per acre – for phosphorus (P2O5) and potassium (K2O)- what are the recommendations?

Since your P and K levels are low, it will be helpful to use a complete (N-P-K) fertilizer based on your soil test results. Supply us with more information and we will help you develop your fertilizer program.

Organic matter acts as a storehouse for nutrients. Incorporating compost topdressing into your lawn maintenance program will also help you raise and maintain P and K levels.

Get a Smart Lawn Plan and take the guesswork out of fertilizer applications. Starts with a free soil test and is customized for your soil, climate and grass type.

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