Healthy lawns are very important to our landscapes, lifestyles and environment. Lawns are consistently under attack as being a waste of our natural resources. Well…when managed with care, there are many benefits of lush green lawns.
What is Better for the Environment?
A nice green lawn or a dusty, weedy field?
Big Green Environmental Filter & place for the kids to play.
Dusty, Noxious weed breeding ground.
These pictures were taken from the same spot – I just did a 180 ° – in front of a popular hotel in Clarkston, Washington.
The grassy field is fertilized once a year, weeds are spot sprayed, it is mowed once a week, the grass clippings are recycled and it gets watered as needed. It’s an open green space that is aesthetically pleasing. You will find kids playing sports and dogs at play here.
The bare field is a breeding ground for noxious weeds – it is full of puncturevine (a.k.a. goatheads). The puncturevine will not move into the grassy areas where it can’t compete with the turfgrass. The field gets mowed once a month to keep the weeds down. It is a very hot and dusty spot in the summer.
I wonder how much of that dust ends up in the Clearwater River? Soil eroded or wind-blown into waters is a big source of phosphorus pollution.
Lush Green Grassy Areas…
Are outdoor recreation spots that…
- Link us to nature.
- Create peaceful feelings and improve moods.
- Provide a safe and comfortable place for kids to play.
- Natural grass fields are safer for athletes than synthetic turfgrass.
A real asset to your home…
- Boosting curb appeal.
- Increasing property values.
- Enhancing landscape plantings.
- Beautifying our neighborhoods.
- Building a sense of community.
Benefit soils by…
- Effectively preventing erosion.
- Contributing to soil organic matter.
- Building rich zones where good microscopic critters thrive.
Protects water by…
- Eliminating stormwater runoff.
- Absorbing water into soil restoring groundwaters.
- Trapping and removing pollutants with their fibrous root systems.
Improves air quality by…
- Removing carbon dioxide and making oxygen through photosynthesis.
- Filtering the air by trapping dust and smoke particles.
Enhances our environment by…
- Acting as “nature’s air conditioner” cooling the air.
- Reducing urban noise pollution by absorbing sounds.
A Smart Lawn Plan that produces lush green grass
Have you heard about the Sunday Smart Lawn Plan? It’s simple, do-it-yourself natural lawn care that’s customized to your soil, climate, and lawn. Delivered to you right when you need it.
Sunday’s plant and soil nutrient products are made from food waste, seaweed, and molasses. The natural additives stimulate plant growth and activate soil life.
This is Super Environmentally Friendly lawn care!
Turfgrass Producers International sums it up perfectly
Lawn Grass…
- a continuing source of oxygen and cool air.
- a cleansing answer to our environment.
- a source of beauty and comfort
Essential Lawn Care Practices
How to choose the best lawn fertilizer. What do the numbers on the bag mean? Are organic fertilizers more eco-friendly than chemicals? Consider costs and nutrient needs. Are they pet-safe?
Lawn Mowing Tips | How to Mow Like a Pro
Lawn Mowing: Tips and techniques, the basics of lawn care. How to cut grass like a pro. Cutting grass to keep it looking groomed and healthy. DIY tips and advice for growing grass.
Use this fertilizer calculator to determine the amount of granular fertilizer product that is needed to spread on your lawn according to recommended rates.